We help families to transform their kids' lives naturally without medication

How Can we help you?


Recently diagnosed with ADHD? or do you suspect your child may have ADHD? Are you looking for how to help your child focus and thrive?

Anxiety and Anger

Anxiety is challenging for the child and the whole family. Once you understand the areas in the brain that control it, you can help better to manage their responses to stress and anxiety

Autism Spectrum

 Usually associated with learning problems, sensory processing, motor functions, social issues challenging behaviors and communication as for hemispheric imbalance 

Learning Disorders

Learning disorders such as Dyslexia, Dysgraphia Dyscalculia Dyspraxia) are a group of disorders that inhibit the brain’s ability to receive, process, store, respond and communicate information in an efficient way. it's all in our brain. 

Behavioral issues

When a child is acting out, it can feel confusing and difficult to deal with for parents. We need to get down to the root cause: what is happening in their brain that causes this behavior. Once you understand the cause you can target the action.

Processing Disorders

Your child seems to be lost at times, not understanding what is going on. They might struggle with loud noises, sensory input such as bright light, touch, tight clothing or they’re struggling to remember words or slow to respond- there is a lot we can help with.

Dana Latter


Dana understands the overwhelming feelings of frustration of families with special needs, autism ADHD, and dyslexia.
She started learning about the subject when she realized that her son was “different” and could not accept the diagnosis. She knew in her heart that he could overcome his challenges and thrive.  She works with parents on a one-on-one in a holistic approach based on the Melillo Method.

Dana is a certified Melillo Method practitioner and is a certified life coach from the Academy of Modern Applied Psychology.  She applies her program to each child’s individual needs which combines child developmental therapies, sensory stimulation, primitive reflexes integration, brain balancing, and more. 

Her program is dedicated to providing parents with an effective plan to help and support children with behavioral challenges, sleeping problems, attention, anxiety, and violence in a natural way with no medication based on cutting-edge child developmental brain research.

She is a best-selling author of “Against The Odds” writing about overcoming her struggles with her son, she runs a regular podcast show where she talks to experts in the field of child development and parenting issues and treatments.

Dana is determined to show the world that changes are not only possible, they happen every day for the families around the world who she had the privilege to work with.

Our Vision is to help more families and children to fulfill their potential