

I help families to transform their kids’ lives naturally without medication.
Product reviews

private coach autism results

Testimonials- See What Others Say...

"Diet played a big role in his progress together with the changes in our daily routine. I followed Dana’s advice to the dot, applied her guidance and yes, the hard work was worth it. Dana helped me and our family feel more creative active and connected during the lockdown period."
young-woman autism results
"Dana showed me a new path that I didn't even know existed, I think it is a big opportunity for growth for my son. Thank you Dana for this course, your kindness, patience and your time. We are just starting the exercises, but I'm forever grateful to you. Thanks for everything!"
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This is A review of Dana's program "I feel confident that I can help my son overcome his difficulties. If I ever needed help or advice I know Dana would be there to help out. Overall my child is a happier boy as result, as I learn how to play in a purposeful way and understand him better."
"Dana gave me the tools to help my son. I have noticed immediate changes, my son became more active, his vocabulary had increased and he is no longer constipated." His aggression decreased as he can communicate better and be understood."
New Zealand
"The calls are very practical, it feels like a mom to mom advice, but with strong scientific backup that makes you realize that this is a good opportunity to make a difference for your child. Dana really understands what it is to deal with a boy on the spectrum daily,
women autism results